School places
We have carried out analysis of capacity in surrounding schools to consider the need for educational facilities generated by our site.While there is sufficient capacity in surrounding schools to accommodate all the education requirements from the development, we recognise that a lower school can form a key local facility and heart to an emerging community. Consequently, our site includes provision for a new two-form entry lower school with capacity for 300 pupils. Our studies show this would provide enough places to deal with the demand created by the new homes we intend to build on the site, with some additional capacity. The site provided also has further space for future expansion.
We are also proposing to contribute to new places at secondary/upper schools in the area and will work with the Local Education Authority to ensure the increased demand can be accommodated.

Healthcare facilities
We know the provision of healthcare facilities is an important issue for local people. The development falls within the area covered by Asplands Medical Centre, which offers a good service and is accepting new patients. Our studies show that the needs of those living in the new village will create the requirement for one extra GP in the area, which could be met by the capacity at this surgery and others in the area. We are discussing(in conjunction with local healthcare providers) potential for local healthcare facilities within a local centre that could also provide shops and a community building. The location of any additional capacity will be up to the local health services and GP practices.