We have assessed the existing utilities in the area of the site and identified that some will need to be upgraded to provide sufficient capacity to serve the development. Some services will also be diverted where they cross the site.
We are working with the various utility providers to ensure sufficient capacity is provided.
Our site wide drainage strategy, incorporates a range of sustainable drainage features including swales and permeable paving in a number of locations on the site.
These features contribute to the landscape, openness and habitat diversity on the site as well as attenuate drainage from the proposed development. This will ensure the risk of flooding both on the site and downstream does not increase. This helps facilitate the effective management of drainage and the function of the Internal Drainage Board, the public body in charge of works to reduce flood risk to people and property, and manage water levels for agricultural and environmental needs.
We have carried out analysis and surveys to identify the archaeological ‘interest’ of the site and the value of any remains present, in terms of non-designated archaeology. While the work completed to date has identified the presence of Roman period remains, these are restricted to the north-west corner. Through consultation with the Council’s archaeological advisor it has been established that they do not form a constraint to development.
Noise and Air quality
Noise from the A421 and M1 will be addressed through the inclusion, within the landscape proposals, of a bund and acoustic barrier which enables noise levels across the site to be compliant with the required standards.
In addition to providing an amenity and nature conservation value, it will have benefits for existing and new communities by providing a physical separation between the development and local sources of noise and emissions from vehicles on the M1 and A421.
We have carried out extensive analysis and environmental surveys to identify the ecological value of the site. The work completed to date has not identified any constraints to the principle of development on ecological grounds. The development of the site is not directly constrained by any statutory or non-statutory ecological designations. Key hedgerows will be retained in addition to existing good quality trees wherever possible, existing habitats will be enhanced with new planting, and new habitats will be created across the site, with potential for new areas of woodland and habitats associated with the bund and flood storage areas to the north and east.