Hayfield Park Development



Will development at Hayfield Park increase the chance of flooding?

The National Planning Policy Framework ensures that flood risk is taken into account at all stages of the planning process.  TheEnvironment Agency maps flood risk across the country, and according to their data the entirety of the Hayfield Park site lies within Flood Zone 1, meaning that there is less than a 1 in 1,000 annual chance of river or sea flooding.  Our studies show that while the site attracts some surface water accumulations, these are unlikely to pose any threat to development and can be easily managed in the design of the development.

The drainage strategy we’ve developed focuses on providing effective drainage and management of surface water to ensure the site won’t flood while also preventing water leaving the site as run-off into the surrounding area.


The enhancement of existing ecology is central to our proposals for Hayfield Park and has been given full consideration in the development of our masterplan.

We have carried out extensive analysis and environmental surveys to identify the ecological value of the site. The work completed to date has not identified any constraints to the principle of development on ecological grounds. The development of the site is not directly constrained by any statutory or non-statutory ecological designations. Wherever possible,hedgerows and trees will be retained, existing habitats will be enhanced with new planting, and new habitats will be created across the site with the potential for new areas of woodland, and habitats associated with the bund and flood storage areas to the north and east of the site.

The scheme will be well designed and landscaped to respect its surroundings. We will keep the green buffer zone between Hayfield Park and Aspley Guise in place and will include provision for 25ha of open space at the site, significantly more than what is required as part of the planning process.The retention of important trees and hedgerows supplemented with substantial new planting will maintain and enhance wildlife corridors and biodiversity across the site.